Hair Loss Information

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Hair Loss information for Men, Women & Millenniums

“Hair Loss” can be from mild hair thinning to total baldness. These can occur for many different reasons. Medically, hair loss falls into several categories. It may include:

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium – This form of hair loss happens 2 to 3 months after your body has been under stress. It could include such things as prolonged illness, major surgery or serious infections. This can also occur after a sudden change in hormone levels, like women after childbirth. You would notice moderate amounts of hair fall out from all parts of the scalp, and may be noticed on a pillow, in the tub or on a hairbrush. Your hair on some parts of the scalp may appear thinned but you rarely see large bald spots. 

 Traumatic Alopecia 

 Traumatic alopecia -This form of hair loss is caused by hairdresser’s techniques. It could involve:
• pulling of the hair (tight braiding or corn-rowing); 
• exposure of the hair in extreme heat and twisting (curling iron or hot rollers); or 
• damages to the hair with strong chemicals (bleaching, hair coloring, and permanent waves).
In addition, some people have an uncommon psychiatric disorder. This is where compulsive hair pulling and twisting occurs and as a result the scalp will appear bald spots.

Tinea capitis (fungal infection of the scalp) – This is where patches of hair loss occurs on the scalp. It is caused by a certain types of fungus that infects the scalp. This causes the hair to break off at the scalp surface and the scalp to flake or become scaly. Tinea capitis is a common form of patchy hair loss in children. 

Symptom of a medical illness – Symptoms of medical illness can also cause hair loss. These may include lupus erythematosus, syphilis, a thyroid disorder (hair loss occurs in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism), sex-hormone imbalance, or a serious nutritional problem, especially a deficiency of protein, iron, zinc or biotin. These deficiencies are most common in people on restrictive diets or in women who have very heavy menstrual flow. 

Effects of Drugs – Side effect of some medication can cause hair loss. In addition, many medications used in cancer chemotherapy commonly cause sudden hair loss affecting the entire head. 

Alopecia areata – This is a disease that causes hair to fall out in one or more small patches. The cause of this condition is unknown. It is usually common among people who have other autoimmune diseases. 

Hereditary pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia – This is the most common form of hair loss among men. It mostly appears in the front hairline, and/or thinning hair at the top of the head. This form of hair loss can begin at any time in a man’s life, even during his teen years. It usually is caused by the interaction of three factors: 
• an inherited tendency toward baldness 
• male hormones and 
• increasing of age. 
Some women might development a mild degree of female-pattern baldness. Usually, thinning occurs over the whole top or crown of the scalp, sparing the front of the scalp, so that the frontal receding hairline seen in men does not occur.

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MEN HAIR LOSS  Male pattern baldness main causes:

Androgens, Male sex hormones, stress, male pattern baldness

Some men will start experience hair loss when they are in their early 20’s to late 30’s. Close to 95% of all hair loss cases is balding in males. Mild to moderate male pattern hair loss affects about half of the men’s population by the age of 50. It often starts with developing a receding hairline, and then gradually the hair on top of the head begins to thin. Eventually, the two balding areas meet and form a typical U-shape around the back and sides of the head. The remaining hair often become finer and growth rate slowdowns. Male balding is heredity, either from the mother’s or father’s side of the family.

It is true that androgenic alopecia is the most common hair loss suffered by male. However, there are other causes of men's hair loss that you need to be aware of:

1. Alopecia Aretea – autoimmune disorder which will cause “patchy hair loss”, often in small circular area in different areas of the scalp.
2. Alopecia Totalis – total hair loss of the scalp, This is an advanced form of (1)
3. Alopecia Universalis – Hair loss of the entire body, also an advanced form of (1)
4. Traction Alopecia – hair loss caused by physical stress to hair such as prolonged use of hair weaving.
5. Anagen Effluvium – hair loss attributed to toxic substances internally administered. A good example would be chemotherapy agents.

All of these only represent 5% of the hair loss found in general male protection; androgenic alopecia is the norm.
If in fact you experience androgenic alopecia, more likely than not your hair loss will be limited to the top of the head and may or may not involve thinning and/or receding hair lines.
Stress has also been shown to restrict the blood supply to capillaries, inhibiting oxygen and nutrient uptake of hair follicles and inhibiting hair growth, in an effect similar to that from having poor circulation.

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Main Causes: 

Post-natal hair loss, poor diet, medicines and female  pattern baldness

It is probably the best kept secret: hair loss in females is a common thing. As mentioned above, the most common type of women’s hair loss is androgenic alopecia, The female pattern baldness is seen as hair thinning predominantly over the tope and sides of the head. Androgenic alopecia in women is most commonly seen after menopause, although it may begin as early as puberty. How can you be sure that you’re not actually experiencing hair loss? Normal hair falls approximately 100-125 strands per day, true hair loss occurs when the loss is not replaced or when the daily hair shed exceeds 125.

Suddenly hormonal changes when starting or stopping contraceptives, starting or ending a pregnancy, the start of menopause, all has been characterized as the promoter of androgenic alopecia. The two key events in a life of a woman might promote this onset: pregnancy and menopause. WHY? Simply because menopause causes permanent changes in hormone production, the adrenal glands also undergo changes during menopause. the overall result is a reduction of “androgen antagonist” such as estrogen and a net increase in androgen, as we have elaborated before, androgen is directly responsible in hair loss.

Women who have a poor diet is another frequent cause of female hair loss. By taking natural supplements such as protein, iron and vitamin can easily rectified this problem (although high levels of vitamin A are thought to make things worse). You should be aware that significant threat posed by crash diets or rapid weight gain is interprets by the body as trauma. This may trigger hair loss.




Natural Treatments: Hair loss concealers, diet, hair serums and hair growth tonics
Looking After your Hair
Stimulating the scalp through combing helps to promote circulation on the scalp. The increased circulation regulates the scalp temperature and moisture levels, and that in turn can slow down the production of sweat as well as distributing the oils produced in the follicles along the hair shaft.  Saw  Palmetto serum is a natural hair  tonic treatment that can be used during  hair massage.

Diet and Hair Growth

Research shows that low stores of iron in the body can sometimes cause hair loss. So, if you are a vegetarian, ask your doctor for a blood test. Food that are iron-rich includes lean red meat, game, offal, egg yolks, dark green leafy vegetables, pulses. Vitamin C is known to help your body to absorb more iron. Although follicles of your hair need plenty of the essential amino acids (building blocks of proteins), it is doubtful whether increasing your intake of protein or taking amino acid supplements will really help.

Hair Loss Concealers

Hair Loss Concealers create a natural-looking fuller look, discreetly hiding thinning areas. Designed for women and men with hair loss and thinning hair problems. It covers thinning areas, reduces appearance of bald spot and creates a natural-looking fuller and thicker hair. 

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When it comes to hair loss in men and women, we are your number one manufacturer for hair care solutions. YAYA Beauty Inc. carries the right products that are guaranteed to meet your needs and fit your budget. Made of natural ingredients, our products are comprised of hair regrowth solutions, nourishing shampoos, hair tonics, styling tonics and hair building fibers

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The bottom line? There is still no cure for male and female pattern baldness. And although it’s tempting to use these studies as an excuse to accept your fate and shave that head, you still DO have hair! And you CAN do something about it!
So, before you spend thousands of dollars on hair transplants, consider Hair Fibers and boost your self-confidence in just 2 minutes.
How? Hair fibers are charged with magnetism that makes them adhere to the static of human hair instantly. Yes, yes, yes! You can make  your existing hair look fuller and thicker in just a couple of minutes.


Some bonus tips for you! If you’re part of the millennials going bald, or you’re concerned of your receding hairline: eat well and exercise, don’t stress, use shampoo that contains minoxidil, consider getting a prescription for propecia if you feel it is necessary.

And if all else fails, Kerathik is here for you!

Did you relate to this article? Try Kerathik Hair Fibers, you won’t regret it.

And, if all else fails, Kerathik is here for you! 
Did you relate to this article? Try Kerathik Hair Fibers, You won’t regret it.

DANDRUFF -  Looking after your hair

Natural Treatments: Scalp circulation, Shampoo and scalp tonic
As an extension of facial skin, effective cleansing and moisturizing of the scalp can help keep follicles open and create an optimum environment for healthy hair to grow and mature, preventing miniaturization and controlling thinning. Certain products on the market are specially designed to remove the styling build-up, environmental pollutants and excess sebum that block follicles and inhibit hair growth, and nourish the scalp skin and hair to reduce breakage and promote health.

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. Dandruff is a common condition, which is marked by itching. In some cases it can be embarrassing and not easy to treat. Fortunately, dandruff can be controlled. In mild cases, the person need only find a suitable shampoo which contains a gentle cleanser. Hair serum that nourishes the hair follicle is also beneficial.


 Hair Cover up Hair growth cycle
Baldness is the partial or complete lack of hair growth, and part of the wider topic of “hair thinning”. The degree and pattern of baldness varies, but its most common cause is androgenic alopecia, alopecia androgenetica, or alopecia seborrheica, with the last term primarily used in Europe.
Pattern balding is distinct from alopecia areata, which commonly involves patchy hair loss. Extreme forms of alopecia areata are alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, and the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.
Increased circulation to the scalp can help provide hair follicles with needed nourishment to grow strong healthy hair.

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Kerathik hair fibes before after bald back spot

There is tremendous variation in the extent to which individuals may lose hair.    

• Some men experience a recession of the front hairline above the temples while retaining hair in the middle, 
• which creates an “M” shape in the hairline above the temples and forehead.
• Some lose hair on the center of the scalp, which produces a “bald spot” surrounded by hair.
• Others have the recession at the front of their scalp join up with this area to create a larger balding area.
• Some develop uniform thinning of the hair over the top of the scalp, with no discernible pattern; 
• this usually progresses to complete baldness.

DISCLAIMER: This information given on this site is for general information only. It should not be considered as medical advice and with all physical conditions you should always consult a health care professional.
^ ‘Male Pattern Baldness’, March 01 2010, WebMD
^ “What causes hair loss”., 2010, Hair Loss Resources

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